Publications  – Condensed Matter Research

1. “Electron Spin Resonance of Cu++ in K2S04 Single Crystals,” M. Chandrapal, N. Hariharan, J. Sobhanadri, Curr. Sci. 38, 564 (1969).

2. “Conclusive Evidence for the Excitonic Nature of the E1-(E1l) Optical Structure in Diamond and Zincblende Type Semiconductors at Room Temperature,” M. Chandrapal and F.H. Pollak, Solid  State Commun. 18, 1263 (1976).

3. “Effects of Uniaxial Stress on the Electroreflectance Spectrum of Germanium and GaAs,” M. Chandrasekhar and F.H. Pollak, Phys. Rev. B15, 2127 (1977).

4. “Inter- and Intraband Raman Scattering by Free Electrons in Heavily Doped Si(P),” M.Chandrasekhar, J.B. Renucci, M. Cardona and E.O. Kane, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Rome, 1976, edited by F.G. Fumi, p. 255 (Tipografia Marves, Rome, 1977).

5. “Intraband Raman Scattering by Free Carriers in Heavily Doped n-Si,” M. Chandr asekhar, M. Cardona and E.O. Kane, Phys. Rev. B16, 3579 (1977).

6. “Self Energy of Phonons Interacting with Free Electrons in Silicon,” M. Chandrasekhar and M. Cardona, Proceedings of the International Conference in Lattice Dynamics, Paris, 1977, edited by M. Balkanski, p. 186 (Flammarion, Paris, 1978).

7. “Effects of Interband Excitations on Raman Phonons in Heavily Doped n-Si,” M. Chandrasekhar, J.B. Renucci and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B17, 1623 (1978).

8. “A New Method to Measure Stress-Induced Birefringence in an Opaque Material:  Stress-Induced Raman Scattering,” M. Chandrasekhar, M.H. Grimsditch and M. Cardona, J. Opt. Soc. America 68, 523 (1978).

9. “Piezobirefringence above the Fundamental Edge in Si,” M. Chandrasekhar, M.H. Grimsditch and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B18, 4301 (1978).

10. “Intra- and Interband Scattering in Heavily Doped p-Si,” M. Chandrasekhar, U. Rössler and M. Cardona, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 43, 961 (1979).

11. “Phonons in Titanium Doped Vitreous Silica,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar and M.H. Manghnani, Sol. St. Commun. 31, 329 (1979).

12. “Phonons in Ti02-Si02 Glasses,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar and M.H. Manghnani,  J. Non-Cryst. Solids 40, 567 (1980).

13. “A Review of Transmutation Doping in Silicon,” J.M. Meese, D.L. Cowan and M. Chandrasekhar, IEEE Trans NS-26, 4858 (1979).

14. “X-Ray Scattering Study of the Critical Exponent h in Argon,” E. Gurmen, M. Chandrasekhar, P.E. Chumbley, H.D. Bale, D.A. Dolejsi, J.S. Lin and P.W. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A22, 170 (1980).

15. “Intra- and Interband Raman Scattering by Free Carriers in Heavily Doped p-Si,” M. Chandrasekhar, U. Rössler and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B22, 761 (1980).

16. “Study of the Localized Vibrations of Boron in Heavily Doped Si(B),” M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M.H. Grimsditch and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B22, 4825 (1980).

17. “Localized Vibrations of Boron in Heavily Doped Si(B),” M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M.H. Grimsditch and M. Cardona,” J. Phys. Soc. Japan, Supple. A49, 661 (1980).

18. “Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Raman Spectrum of Silicon,” M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, J.M. Meese and S.L. Thaler, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 59, 205 (1981).

19. “Defect Production During Neutron Doping in Si,” J.M. Meese, M. Chandrasekhar, D.L. Cowan, S.L. Chang, H. Yousif, H.R. Chandrasekhar and P. McGrail, Neutron Transmutation Doped Silicon, (Plenum, 1981). Ed. J. Guldberg, p. 101.

20. “Raman Scattering from Amorphous Zones in Neutron Irradiated Silicon,” M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar and J.M. Meese, Solid State Commun. 38, 1113 (1981).

21. “Corrections to Scaling for Critical Scattering,” P.W. Schmidt and M. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B24, 2773 (1981).

22. “Corrections to Scaling in the Small Angle Scattering from Argon Near the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point,” M. Chandrasekhar and P.W. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. B25, 6730 (1982).

23. “Theoretical Studies of Possible Excitonic Superconducting State in CuC1 and CdS,” T.C. Collins, M. Seel, J.J. Ladik, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B27, 140 (1983).

24. “Annealing Mechanisms in Neutron Irradiated Silicon,” S.L. Thaler, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar and J.M. Meese, Physica 119B, 325 (1983).

25. “A Detailed Study of NTD Silicon Utilizing Raman Scattering,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, J.M. Meese and S.L. Thaler.  Neutron Transmutation Doping of Semiconductor Materials.  Ed. R.D. Larrabee (Plenum, New York, 1984) p. 287.

26. “Theoretical Models for Collective Behavior in CuC1 and CdS,” T.C. Collins and M. Chandrasekhar, High Pressure in Science & Technology (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings) ed. C.G. Homan, R.K. MacCrone and E. Whalley (North Holland, New York) 22, 199 (1984).

27. “Spin Dependence of the Possible Excitonic Superconducting States in CuC1 and CdS,” M. Chandrasekhar and T.C. Collins, High Pressure in Science & Technology, (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings).  Ed. C.G. Homan, R.K. MacCrone and E. Whalley (North Holland, New York) 22, 223 (1984).

28. “A Review of a Theoretical  Model of the Excitonic Superconducting State in CdS and CuC1,” T.C. Collins, M. Chandrasekhar and M. Seel, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 26, 831 (1984).

29. “Luminescence and Raman Spectra of CdS under Hydrostatic Pressure,” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B30, 3316 (1984).

30. “Pressure Effects on the Luminescence and Raman Spectra of Heavily Doped CdS,” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, San Francisco, Ed. D.J. Chadi and W.A. Harrison, (Springer Verlag, N.Y., 1985), p. 1117.

31. “Low Temperature Studies of the Photoluminescence in CdS Under Hydrostatic Pressure,” U. Venkateswaran and M. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B31, 1219 (1985).

32. “Electric-field-induced New Features in the Photoconductivity of Extrinsic Silicon,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, K.K. Bajaj and N. Sclar, Phys. Rev. B31, 2494 (1985).

33. “Resonant Interactions of Phonons With Donor Continuum States in Si,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, K.K. Bajaj and N. Sclar, Solid State Commun. 54, 287 (1985).

34. “Photoluminescence Studies of a GaAs-Ga1-xA1xAs Superlattice at 8-300K Under Hydrostatic Pressures (0-70 kbar),” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, T. Wolfram, R. Fischer, W.T. Masselink and H. Morkoc, Phys. Rev. B31, 4106 (1985).

35. “Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Exciton Spectra of Heavily Doped CdS(C1),” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Rev. B31, 6574 (1985).

36. “Pressure Induced Shifts of the Fluorescence Spectrum of Rhodamine 6G in Solution,” B. Zhang, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Applied Optics 24, 2779 (1985).

37. “High Pressure Studies of GaAs- Ga1-xA1xAs Quantum Wells of Widths 26 to 150 Å,” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Phys. Rev. B33, 8416 (1986).

38. “Photoreflectance Spectroscopy of GaAs- Ga1-xA1xAs Quantum Wells Under Pressure,” A. Kangarlu, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F. A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Superlattices and Microstructures 2, 569 (1987).

39. “High Pressure Study of GaAs- Ga1-xA1xAs Quantum Wells at Low Temperatures,” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Superlattices and Microstructures 3, 217 (1987).

40. “Shallow and Deep Donors Related to Indirect Conduction Bands in A1xGa1-xAs,” M. Chandrasekhar, U. Venkateswaran, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Proc. of the 18th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm, Aug. 1986.  (Ed. O. Engstrom, World Scientific 1987) p. 943.

41. “Hydrostatic Pressure Study of GaAs- A1xGa1-xAs Quantum Wells at Low Temperatures,” U. Venkateswaran, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Proc. of the 18th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm, Aug. 1986.  (Ed. O. Engstrom, World Scientific 1987) p. 621.

42. “Photoreflectance Spectroscopy of GaAs-A1xGa1-xAs Quantum Wells Under Hydrostatic Pressure,” A. Kangarlu, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, B.A. Vojak, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Proc. of the 18th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm, 1986.  (Ed. O. Engstrom, World Scientific 1987) p. 569.

43. “Photoreflectance Study of GaAs/ A1xGa1-xAs Multiple Quantum Wells,” A. Kangarlu, Y.M. Kapoor, H.R. Chandrasekhar and M. Chandrasekhar, Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Sciences 20, 73 (1986).

44. “Temperature Dependence of the Quantized States in a GaAs- A1xGa1-xAs Superlattice,” A. Kangarlu, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, Y.M. Kapoor, F.A. Chambers, B.A. Vojak and J.M. Meese, Phys. Rev. B37, 1035 (1988).

45. “High Pressure Studies of GaAs- A1xGa1-xAs Quantum Wells at 300 and 80K Using Photoreflectance Spectroscopy,” A. Kangarlu, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, Y.M. Kapoor, F.A. Chambers, B.A. Vojak and J.M. Meese, Phys. Rev., B 38, 9790 (1988).

46. “Quantum Wells and Deep Impurity Levels Under Hydrostatic Pressure,” M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, A. Kangarlu, U. Venkateswaran, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Superlattices and Microstructures 4, 107 (1988).

47. “Pressure Studies of Impurity Levels in A1xGa1-xAs,” W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Semicond. Sci. and Technol. 4, 290 (1989).

48. “Deep Levels in A10.3Ga0.7As Under Hydrostatic Pressure,” W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, F.A. Chambers and J.M. Meese, Proc. of the 19th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. W. Zawadski, (Institute of Physics,Warsaw, 1988) p. 1055.

49. “Spectroscopic Studies of GaAs- A1xGa1-xAs Quantum Wells Under Hydrostatic Pressure,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, A. Kangarlu, F.A. Chambers, B.A. Vojak and J.M. Meese, Proc. of the 19th International Conference  on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. W. Zawadski (Institute of Physics, Warsaw, 1988).p. 275.

50. “High Pressure optical studies of GaSb/AlSb multiple quantum wells”, B. Rockwell, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, F.H. Pollak, H. Shen, L.L. Chang, W.I. Wang, and L. Esaki, Surf. Sci. 228, 322 (1990).

51. “Photoluminescence Studies of diluted magnetic semiconductors under hydrostatic pressure: CdMnTe”, M. Prakash, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, I. Miotkowski and A.K. Ramdas, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proceedings 161, 449 (1990).

52. “High pressure studies of GaSb/AlSb superlattices”, B. Rockwell, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, H. Shen, F. Pollak, L.L. Chang, W.I. Wang and L. Esaki, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proceedings, 160, 751 (1990).

53. Electronic transitions in CdTe under pressure, M. Prakash, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, I. Miotkowski and A.K. Ramdas, Phys. Rev.42, 3586 (1990).

54. “Photoreflectance studies of electronic transitions in quantum well structures under high pressure”, H.R. Chandrasekhar and M. Chandrasekhar, SPIE Proceedings on Modulation Spectroscopy, 1286, 207 (1990).

55. A new deep center in A10.3Ga0.7As, W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, and F.A. Chambers, Proc. of the 20th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, eds. E.M. Anastassakis and J.D. Joannopoulos (World Scientific, 1990) p. 674.

56. The bound magnetic polaron in CdMnTe under pressure,  M. Prakash, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, I. Miotkowski, A.K. Ramdas, and L.R. Ram-Mohan,  Proc. of the 20th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, eds. E.M. Anastassakis and J.D. Joannopoulos (World Scientific, 1990) p. 747.

57. Pressure-Induced Fano resonance of excitons in semiconductors,  S. Satpathy, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar,  Proc. of the 20th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, eds. E.M. Anastassakis and J.D. Joannopoulos (World Scientific, 1990) p. 1521.

58. How strain affects the valence band discontinuity in GaSb/AlSb Quantum wells, B. Rockwell, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, H. Shen, F. Pollak, L.L. Chang, W.I. Wang and L. Esaki,  Proc. of the 20th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, eds. E.M. Anastassakis and J.D. Joannopoulos (World Scientific, 1990) p. 929.

59. Pressure tuning of magnetic interactions in CdMnTe,  M. Prakash, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, I. Miotkowski, A.K. Ramdas, and L.R. Ram-Mohan, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on the High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics, Porto Carras, Greece, (ed. D.S. Kyriakos and O.E. Valassiades, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 1990), p. 258.

60. A new pressure activated center in AlGaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs, W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, and F.A. Chambers, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics, Porto Carras, Greece, (ed. D.S. Kyriakos and O.E. Valassiades, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 1990), p. 242.

61. A new deep center in A10.3Ga0.7As, W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar and F.A. Chambers, Phys. Rev. B 43, 12126 (1991).

62. Electronic transitions in bulk A10.3Ga0.7As under hydrostatic pressure, W.P. Roach, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar and F.A. Chambers, Phys. Rev. B 44 13404, (1991).

63. Pressure tuning of strains in semiconductor heterostructures ZnSe epilayer/GaAs epilayer, B. Rockwell, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, A.K. Ramdas, M. Kobayashi and R.L. Gunshor, Phys. Rev. B 43, 11307 (1991).

64. Electronic Transitions in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Epilayers Under Pressure, M. Chandrasekhar, and H.R. Chandrasekhar, review article in J. High Pressure Research, 9-10, 57 (1992).

65. Pressure induced resonance broadening of excitonic lineshapes in semiconductors:  direct determination of intervalley scattering rates in GaAs, S. Satpathy, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, and U. Venkateswaran, Phys. Rev. B 43 11339 (1991).

66. Hydrostatic pressure studies of confined transitions in cubic Zn1-xCdxSe /ZnSe strained quantum wells, R.J. Thomas, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, N. Samarth, H. Luo, and J.K. Furdyna, Phys. Rev B 45 9505 (1992).

67. “Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Heterostuctures under high pressure”, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, Invited review article in Recent Trends in  High Pressure Research, ed. by A.K. Singh (Oxford and IBH India, Bombay, 1992) p. 19.

68. Pressure tuning of strain in CdTe/InSb epilayer: photoluminescence and photomodulated study, M.S. Boley, R.J. Thomas, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, A.K. Ramdas, M. Kobayashi and R.L. Gunshor, J. Appl. Phys, 74, 4136 (1993).

69. Raman and Photomodulated reflectivity studies of strained pseudomorphic ZnTe epilayer on InAs under pressure, R.J. Thomas, M.S. Boley, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, C. Parks, A.K. Ramdas, J. Han, M. Kobayashi and R.L. Gunshor, Phys. Rev. B 49, 2181 (1994).

70. Hydrostatic Pressure studies of Optical Transitions in the Photoluminescence spectra Zn1-xCdxSe thick epilayers and Zn1-x CdxSe /ZnSe strained layer multiple quantum wells, M.S. Boley, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, L.R. Ram-Mohan, N. Samarth, H. Luo, and J.K. Furdyna, Proceedings of the AIRAPT/APS International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, June 28-July 2, 1993, Colorado Springs ed. S.C. Schmidt, J.W. Shaner, G.A. Samara, and M. Ross, AIP Conference Proceedings 309, p.203.

71. Raman and Photomodulated reflectivity studies of ZnTe/InAs semiconductor heterostructure under hydrostatic pressure, R.J. Thomas, M.S. Boley, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, A.K. Ramdas, M. Kobayashi and R.L. Gunshor, Proceedings of the AIRAPT/APS International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, June 28-July 2, 1993, Colorado Springs ed. S.C. Schmidt, J.W. Shaner, G.A. Samara, and M. Ross, AIP Conference Proceedings 309, p.613.

72. Hydrostatic Pressure Studies of the phonon modes in the Raman Spectra of the bulk high temperature superconductor YBa2 Cu4O8 and the effects of doping,  M.S. Boley, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, Y. Wu and P. Boolchand, Proceedings of the AIRAPT/APS International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, June 28-July 2, 1993, Colorado Springs ed. S.C. Schmidt, J.W. Shaner, G.A. Samara, and M. Ross, AIP Conference Proceedings 309, p.681.

73. Optical studies of strained pseudomorphic semiconductor heterostructures under external pressure, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, invited review article Phil. Mag.B 70, 369 (1994).

74. A comparative study of ordered alloy and Random alloy quantum wells of Zn1-xCdxSe /ZnSe under pressure, E.M. Baugher, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, H. Luo, J.K. Furdyna and L.R. Ram-Mohan, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56 323 (1995).

75. Polarized photomodulated reflectivity and photoluminescence studies of ordered InGaP2 under pressure, R.J. Thomas, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, E.D. Jones, and R.P. Schneider, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56 357 (1995).

76. Optical, electronic, magnetic and superconduucting properties of quasi-periodic quantum dot arrays synthesized by a novel electrochenmical technique, S. Bandyopadhyay, A.E. Miller, and M. Chandrasekhar, Invited paper at the SPIE International Symposium on Optoelectronic, Microphotonic and Laser Technologies, San Jose, CA, Feb 1995. Proc. SPIE 2397, 12 (1995).

77. Polarized Optical studies of Ordered InGaP2 under pressure, R.J. Thomas, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, E.D. Jones, and R.P. Schneider, Superlattices and Microstructures 18, 1, (1995).

78. Temperature dependence of strain in ZnSe/GaAs, R.J. Thomas, B.A. Rockwell, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, A.K. Ramdas, M. Kobayashi and R.L. Gunshor, J. Appl. Phys. 78, 6569 (1995).

79. Evidence of chain site substitution of Ni in YBa2(Cu1-xNix)4O8, D.J. Payne, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B. Jayram and J. Ulanday, Solid State Communications, 98, 971, (1996).

80. Electrochemically assembled Quasi-periodic quantum dot arrays, S. Bandyopadhyay, A.E. Miller, H.C. Chang, G. Banerjee, V. Yuzhakov, D-F Yue, R.E. Ricker, S. Jones, J.A. Eastman, E. Baugher, and M. Chandrasekhar, Nanotechnology, 7, 360 (1996).

81. Band Gap tuning in Semiconductors and Microstructures, H.R. Chandrasekhar and Meera Chandrasekhar, invited review article to be published in Wiley Encyclopaedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering submitted 1997.

82. Structure and Raman studies of HgBa2CuO4+x, S.H. Liou, R. Li, Q. Cai, M. Chandrasekhar, H. Luo, M. Chen, W.B. Yelon, A.L. Vasiliev, and E.P. Kvam,  J. of Superconductivity, 11, 59 (1998).

83. Hydrostatic Pressure study of Raman phonons in YBa2(Cu0.96Ni 0.04)4O8, D.J. Payne, S. Guha, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, B. Jayaram, and J. Ulanday, Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 7, 535 (1998).

84. Structural properties of poly (para-phenylenes) under high pressure, S. Guha, W. Graupner, R. Resel, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, and G. Leising, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, 488, 867 (1998).

85. Electronic properties of poly (para-phenylenes) under high pressure, W. Graupner, S.Guha,  S. Yang,  M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, G. Leising, U. Scherf, and K. Müllen, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society 488, 873 (1998).

86. Temperature dependence of the intervalley deformation potential of GaAs/AlAs superlattices under hydrostatic pressure, S. Guha, Q. Cai, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, H. Kim, A.D. Alvarenga, R. Vogelgesang, A.K. Ramdas, and M.R. Melloch, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 1997.

87. Photoluminescence of short period superlattices: a hydrostatic pressure and temperature study, S. Guha, Q. Cai, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, H. Kim, A.D. Alvarenga, R. Vogelgesang, A.K. Ramdas, and M.R. Melloch, Phys Rev. B58, 7222, (1998).

88. High Pressure study of the Raman phonons in YBa2(Cu1-xNix)4O8, D.J. Payne, S. Guha, Q. Cai, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, U. Venkateswaran, B. Jayaram, and J. Ulanday, Phys. Rev. B 60, 4363 (1999).

89. Planarity of para Hexaphenyl, S. Guha, W. Graupner, R. Resel, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, R. Glaser, G. Leising, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 3625 (1999).

90. Optical properties of poly(para-phenylenes) under high pressure, S.Guha, W. Graupner, S. Yang, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, and G. Leising, Physica Stat. Solidi, 211, (177) 1999.

91. High Pressure studies on the planarity of para hexaphenyl, S. S. Guha, W. Graupner, R. Resel, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar,  R. Glaser, and G. Leising, Synthetic Metals 101, 180-181 (1999).

92. Influence of Molecular Geometry on the Photoexcitations of Highly Emissive Organic Semiconductors, S-C. Yang, W. Graupner, S. Guha, P. Puschnig, C. Martin, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, G. Leising and C. Ambrosch-Draxl, SPIE Proceedings, 3797, 26-37 (1999).

93. Geometry-Dependent Electronic Properties of Highly Fluorescent Conjugated Molecules, S-C. Yang, W. Graupner, S. Guha, P. Puschnig, C. Martin, H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, G. Leising  C. Ambrosch-Draxl, and U. Scherf, Phys. Rev. Letters, 85, 2388 (2000).

94. “Understanding the structure and properties of conjugated molecules (polymers) under pressure,” H.R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, S. Guha and W. Graupner, Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2000), Beijing, PRC, John Wiley & sons, P 136, Aug. 2000.

95. “High pressure Raman studies on the structural conformation of oligophenyls,” G. Heimel, P. Puschnig, Q. Cai, C. Martin, E. Zojer, W. Graupner, M. Chandrasekhar, H. R. Chandrasekhar, C. Ambrosch-Draxl, G. Leising, Synthetic Metals 116(1-3),  163-166 (2001).

96. “High pressure study of the intramolecular vibrational modes in sexithiophene single crystals,” M. A. Loi, Q. Cai, H. R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, W. Graupner, G. Bongiovanni, A. Mura, C. Botta, and F. Garnier, Synthetic Metals, 116(1-3),  321-326 (2001).

97. “Pressure-induced quenching of the photoluminescence in sexithiophene single crystals observed by femtosecond spectroscopy,” M. A. Loi, A. Mura, G. Bongiovanni, Q. Cai, C. Martin, H. R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, W. Graupner, F. Garnier , Synthetic Metals, 119(1-3),  645-646 (2001).

98. “Optical Transitions in para-phenylenes under Hydrostatic Pressure,” M. Chandrasekhar, S.C. Yang, S. Guha, Q. Cai, C.M. Martin, H.R. Chandrasekhar, W. Graupner and G. Leising, Synthetic Metals, 119(1-3),  657-658 (2001).

99. On the structure of Oligophenyls, G. Heimel, Q. Cai, C. Martin, P. Puschnig, S. Guha,. W. Graupner, C. Ambrosch-Draxl, M. Chandrasekhar and G. Leising. Synthetic Metals, 119(1-3),  371-372 (2001).

100. Ultrafast Formation of Nonemissive Species versus Intermolecular Interaction in Single Crystals of Conjugated Molecules, M. A. Loi, A. Mura, G. Bongiovanni, Q. Cai, C. Martin, H. R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar W. Graupner, and F. Garnier, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, 732 (2001).

101. “Temperature dependence of the Raman scattering in Hg2BaCuO4+δ,” Q. Cai, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, U. Venkateswaran, S.H., Liou, and R. Li, Solid State Commun., 117, 685,(2001).

102. Squeezing Organic Conjugated Molecules — What does one learn? Meera Chandrasekhar, Suchi Guha and  Wilhelm Graupner, Invited Research News article,  Adv. Mater., 13, 613 (2001).

103. Tuning Intermolecular Interactions: A Study of the Structural and Vibrational Properties of para-Hexaphenyl under Pressure, S. Guha, W. Graupner, R. Resel, M. Chandrasekhar, H. R. Chandrasekhar, R. Glaser, and G. Leising, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105(25), 6203-6211(2001).

104. Optical Spectroscopic Studies of a Soluble Fluorene-Based Conjugated Polymer: A Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature Study, S. Guha, J.D. Rice, C. M. Martin, W. Graupner, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar and U. Scherf,  Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 708, BB10.7 (Organic Optoelectronic Materials, Processing and Devices),299-304, (2002).

105. “Optical Properties of Organic Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors under high pressure,” S. Guha, W. Graupner, S. Yang, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Book chapter, ACS Symposium Series Volume, Anisotropic Organic Materials Approaches to Polar Order, Editors Rainer Glaser and Piotr Kaszynski, 798 (Anisotropic Organic Materials), 127-142 (2002).

106. “Primary optical excitations and excited-state interaction energies in sexithiophene,” M. A. Loi, C. Martin,  H. R. Chandrasekhar, M. Chandrasekhar, W. Graupner, F. Garnier, A. Mura, and G. Bongiovanni, Phys Rev B 66, 113102 (2002).

107. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of organic semiconductors with varying backbone conformation, S. Guha, J. D. Rice, Y. T. Yau, C. M. Martin, M. Chandrasekhar, H. R. Chandrasekhar, R. Guentner, P. Scanduicci de Freitas, and U. Scherf, Phys Rev. B 67, 125204 (2003).

108. Hydrostatic pressure dependence of the luminescence and Raman frequencies in polyfluorene, C.M. Martin, S. Guha, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, R. Guentner, P. Scanduicci de Freitas, and U. Scherf, Physical Review B 68, 115203 (2003).

109. Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Optical Properties of Polyfluorene, C.M. Martin, S.Guha, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, R. Guentner, U. Scherf, International Conference on Synthetic Metals,  Synthetic Metals, 135-136, 273, (2003).

110. Raman Modes in Oligophenyls Under Hydrostatic Pressure, C.M. Martin, Q. Cai, S. Guha, W. Graupner, M. Chandrasekhar and H.R. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Stat. Sol (b) 241, 3339 (2004).

111. Photophysics of organic emissive semiconductors under hydrostatic pressure, S. Guha and M. Chandrasekhar, Phys. Stat. Sol (b) 241, 3318 (2004).

112. Functional Imaging Using InGaAs/GaAs Photorefractive Multiple Quantum Wells S. Balasubramanian, S. Iwamoto, M. Chandrasekhar, H. R. Chandrasekhar, K. Kuroda, and P. Yu, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 1581 (2005).

113. Towards a High Diffraction Efficiency of Photorefractive Multiple Quantum Wells T. Z. Ward, P. Yu, S. Balasubramanian, M. Chandrasekhar, and H. R. Chandrasekhar, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 1579 (2005).

114. Pressure Raman effects and internal stress in network glasses, Fei Wang, S. Mamedov, P. Boolchand, B. Goodman, Meera Chandrasekhar Phys. Rev. B 71, 174201 (2005).

115. Optimization of photorefractive multiple quantum wells for biomedical imaging, P.Yu, S. Balasubramanian, T.Z. Ward, M. Chandrasekhar, H.R. Chandrasekhar, Synthetic Metals 155, 406, (2005).

116. Agarose-stabilized gold nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic detection of DNA nucleosides, V. Kattumuri, M. Chandrasekhar, S. Guha, K. Raghuraman, K. V. Katti, K. Ghosh and R. J. Patel, Applied Physics Letters 88, 153114 (2006).

117. Gum Arabic as a Phytochemical Construct for the Stabilization of Gold Nanoparticles: In Vivo Pharmacokinetics and X-ray-Contrast-Imaging Studies, V. Kattumuri, K. Katti, S. Bhaskaran, E. J. Boote, S.W. Casteel, G. M. Fent, D. J. Robertson, M. Chandrasekhar, R. Kannan, K. V. Katti, Small, 3, No. 2, 333 – 341 (2007).

118. Optical properties of di-octyl substituted polyfluorene under hydrostatic pressure, K. Paudel, M. Arif, M. Chandrasekhar, and S. Guha, Physica Status Solidi B 246 , 563 (2009).

119. Tuning intermolecular interactions in di-octyl substituted polyfluorene via hydrostatic pressure, K. Paudel, M. Chandrasekhar, and S. Guha, J. Phys. Chem A, 114 (13), pp 4680–4688 (2010).

120. Tuning structural and optical properties of blue-emitting polymeric semiconductors, Suchi Guha, Meera Chandrasekhar, Ulli Scherf, and Matti Knaapila, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 248, 1083 (2011).

121. High-pressure optical studies of donor-acceptor polymer heterojunctions, K. Paudel*, M. Chandrasekhar, U. Scherf, E. Pries, and S. Guha, Phys Rev B 84, 205208 (2011).

122. Pressure dependence of singlet and triplet excitons in amorphous polymer semiconductors, K. Paudel, D. Moghe, M. Chandrasekhar, P. Yu, S. Ramasesha, U. Scherf and S. Guha, Europhysics Letters, 104, 27008 (2013).

Publications  – Teaching and Science Education Research

  1. Polarization puzzles for upper elementary grades, M. Chandrasekhar, D. Rainwater, R. Litherland, R. Swope, and A. VanNest, SPIE Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Education in Optics, San Diego July 1995, Vol 2525 p.183. 
  2. Shampoo or Soy Sauce?  M. Chandrasekhar, M.L. Wallace, R. Litherland, L. Jackson, and S. Shollenbarger, Connect, 9, 9 (1996) (Published by Teacher’s Laboratory Inc.).
  3. Interests and Confidence of fifth through seventh grade girls participating in an after school physics program, L.H. Barrow, M. Chandrasekhar, K.A. Phillips, and R. Litherland, NARST 1999
  4. Science Interests and Experiences for High School girls in a summer integrated program, M. Chandrasekhar, K.A. Phillips, R. Litherland and L.H. Barrow, NARST 1999
  5. Gender Equity course for Science Teachers:  A pilot study, K.A. Phillips, and R. Litherland, L.H. Barrow, and M. Chandrasekhar.  NARST 1999.
  6. Newton Summer Science Academy for Girls, M. Chandrasekhar and R. Litherland, CWSP Gazette (American Physical Society), Vol 18, 10 (1999).
  7. Exploring Physics:  Electricity and Magnetism CD ROM, M. Chandrasekhar, R. Litherland and J. Geib, 2001.
  8. Physical Science Interests and Strong Interest Inventory Profiles of females in a Residential Summer Program, K. A. Phillips, M. Chandrasekhar, L Barrow, and Rebecca Litherland, NARST 2000.
  9. Science Career Interests Among High School Females One Year after Participation in a Summer Science Program, Katherine A. Phillips, Lloyd H. Barrow, Meera Chandrasekhar, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 8(2), p. 235-247, (2002).
  10. Exploring Physics, an Extracurricular Program, Meera Chandrasekhar, Forum on Education Newsletter, American Physical Society Spring 2003, p. 11.
  11. Hands-on physics programs for Middle level students, Meera Chandrasekhar  and Jennifer Geib, Proceedings of the WEPAN Conference, June 2003, Chicago IL. (
  12. Shampoo, Soy Sauce and the Prince’s Pendant, Meera Chandrasekhar and Rebecca Litherland, Science Scope, 30(2), 12-17 (2006).
  13. Teacher professional development must come first for ‘Physics First’ to succeed, Meera Chandrasekhar, Deborah Hanuscin, Carina Rebello, Dorina Kosztin, and Somnath Sinha, Journal Educational Chronicle, 1(2), 1-9, (2011).
  14. Examining Fidelity Through Two Lenses: Teachers’ Implementation of a Year-Long Curriculum in 9th Grade Physics, Deborah Hanuscin, Carina Rebello, Somnath Sinha, Ya-Wen Cheng, Nilay Muslu, Jaimie Foulk, Meera Chandrasekhar, NARST, 2013.
  15. Basking in Reflected Light, Meera Chandrasekhar and Dorina Kosztin, Teachers Plus, (India) August 2015.
  16. Menon, D., Chandrasekhar, M., Kosztin, D., & Steinhoff, D. (2017).  Examining preservice elementary teachers’ technology self-efficacy: Impact of mobile technology-based physics curriculum. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 17(3).