Polarization puzzles for upper elementary grades, M. Chandrasekhar, D. Rainwater, R. Litherland, R. Swope, and A. VanNest, SPIE Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Education in Optics, San Diego July 1995, Vol 2525 p.183.
Shampoo or Soy Sauce? M. Chandrasekhar, M.L. Wallace, R. Litherland, L. Jackson, and S. Shollenbarger, Connect, 9, 9 (1996) (Published by Teacher’s Laboratory Inc.).
Interests and Confidence of fifth through seventh grade girls participating in an after school physics program, L.H. Barrow, M. Chandrasekhar, K.A. Phillips, and R. Litherland, NARST 1999
Science Interests and Experiences for High School Girls in a Summer Integrated Program, Meera Chandrasekhar and Katherine A. Phillips, Department of Physics, Rebecca Litherland, Lloyd H. Barrow, presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Boston, MA, March 1999.
Gender Equity Course for Science Teachers: A Pilot Study, Katherine A. Phillips, Rebecca Litherland, Lloyd H. Barrow and Meera Chandrasekhar, presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Boston, MA, March 1999.
The Newton Summer Academy, Meera Chandrasekhar and Rebecca Litherland — Excerpted from the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics Newsletter, Fall 1999.
An Interview with Dr. Meera Chandrasekhar — Making Strides Newsletter, News On Minority Graduate Education (MGE) Volume 2 Number 1 February 2000. By Virginia Van Horne, MGE Senior Research Associate
Exploring Physics, Electricity and Magnetism — A CD-ROM of hands-on activities for middle grades (5-9), Meera Chandrasekhar, Rebecca Litherland and Jennifer Geib (out of print).
Physical Science Interests and Strong Interest Inventory Profiles of Females in a Residential Summer Program, Katherine A. Phillips, Meera Chandrasekhar, and Lloyd Barrow, Rebecca Litherland, presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA, April 2000.
Science Career Interests Among High School Females One Year after Participation in a Summer Science Program, Katherine A. Phillips, Lloyd H. Barrow and Meera Chandrasekhar, Jour. of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 8 , 235-246 (2002).
Exploring Physics, an Extracurricular Program, Meera Chandrasekhar, Forum on Education Newsletter, American Physical Society Spring 2003, p. 11.
Saturday Science Robots for Junior High Students, Marjorie Skubic, AAAI 2001 Spring Symposium.
Hands-on Physics Programs for Middle Level Students, Meera Chandrasekhar and Jennifer Geib WEPAN Conference Proceedings 2003
Shampoo, Soy Sauce and the Prince’s Pendant, Meera Chandrasekhar and Rebecca Litherland, Science Scope, October 2006, p. 12.
Teacher professional development must come first for ‘Physics First’ to succeed, Meera Chandrasekhar, Deborah Hanuscin, Carina Rebello, Dorina Kosztin, and Somnath Sinha, Journal Educational Chronicle, 1(2), 1-9, (2011).
Examining Fidelity Through Two Lenses: Teachers’ Implementation of a Year-Long Curriculum in 9th Grade Physics, Deborah Hanuscin, Carina Rebello, Somnath Sinha, Ya-Wen Cheng, Nilay Muslu, Jaimie Foulk, Meera Chandrasekhar, NARST, 2013.
Basking in Reflected Light, Meera Chandrasekhar and Dorina Kosztin, Teachers Plus, (India) August 2015.
Examining preservice elementary teachers’ technology self-efficacy: Impact of mobile technology-based physics curriculum, Menon, D., Chandrasekhar, M., Kosztin, D., & Steinhoff, D. (2017), Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 17(3).